
Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hitting week three...

I am now officially in my third week of the dreaded "wait." I'm pretty sure the stress and anticipation is either going to kill me, or make me gain another 50 pounds, which sucks since I haven't lost the 50 I gained on all the fertility drugs and steroids. I try avoid "bad" foods, but chocolate and sugar are definitely comfort foods, and if I ever needed "comfort" it would be now. I try to work out - either at the gym or home - but I'm afraid of being gone and missing "the call." Instead I play with the puppies (very cathartic I must say!), stare at RP's picture, and drive myself even more insane by shopping for baby stuff online.

I finally bit the bullet and signed up for my Disney Institute class and am hoping that a trip to the Magic Kingdom will be just what the doctor ordered. I am as excited about going as a little kid, even though this trip will be more work than play. Who WOULDN'T want to work in Mickey's backyard?!?! :)

What I haven't done is RSVP for my class reunion, which is in October and DEFINITELY in the time frame in which I can reasonably hope to travel. Facebook has reacquainted me with a lot of old friends and I would LOVE to see them, but as I alluded to earlier, I am WAY too fat to be attending a reunion, MY reunion, right now. (Never mind the fact that I am in COMPLETE denial of the fact that I am even old enough to be celebrating a 20-year high school reunion!)

Oh, the joys!!! Please keep your fingers crossed for a quick trip to Russia (and if you see me please encourage the whole workout and low-fat, low-cal snack foods - I need all the help I can get!)!!! :)

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