As part of my relaxing this weekend I decided to comb back through my blog to re-read what has happened so far, as I'm truly hoping to use this as a journal of my adoption journey. First off, I discovered a few typos which of course horrify me, and I haven't yet figured out how to fix them! **Gasp!**
Secondly, I realized I had not provided an update on the possible domestic opportunity in a while. I was a little leery of my FOF finding out that I had accepted a referral because all along I have truly wanted to keep all of my options open and have whatever will be, be. (Anyone else hearing Ka Sara, Sara in their head right about now?). Anyway, this week I received an e-mail from FOF congratulating me because she had heard that I had accepted a referral from Russia. She then proceeded to tell me that the girl who is pregnant here is back in the hospital and might lose the baby because her boyfriend keeps coming over and beating her up. Nice guy! (and yes, this is the same guy who broke up with her because he got his OTHER girlfriend pregnant and he decided he wanted to be with her). This whole story just about breaks my heart - for several reasons. I e-mailed the FOF back with condolences, and more questions but can't stop thinking about this poor girl and her poor baby who didn't ask for ANY of this to happen, and the whole darned mess just makes me mad.
I wish someone could explain to me why people who don't want kids, or don't want to take care of them anyway, don't seem to have a problem getting pregnant while others (myself included) have tried everything possible and it just can't/won't happen for them. My heart breaks for this girl, her family, and her baby because she really was trying to make the right decision for everyone and now has to deal with this - and NO ONE should have to go through that.
Please keep this girl and her baby in your thoughts and prayers - they truly need it right now.
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