Yes, that's right - seven weeks have gone by since I accepted the referral of my beautiful RP and still, no travel dates for Trip 1. At this point waiting is almost becoming second nature, and one would think that a procrastinator such as myself wouldn't mind it, but every day I look at those four precious photos of my beautiful little girl and grow more and more anxious for the day I can hold her, squeeze her, and finally . . . bring her home. It seems as if that day will never come.
My agency coordinator called this evening and at this point I don't even get my hopes up when I see the familiar (440) phone number pop up on my phone. She is awesome and now always sounds apologetic when she calls, saying, "I don't have any news for you - just want to check in and see how you're doing." We made small talk for a couple of minutes and she tells me to just hang on, that this region is slow but steady, and reassures me that my day WILL come. I trust her implicitly, which is odd considering I have never met her, but she has yet to steer me wrong, so I keep holding on to that hope. She let me know not to expect travel dates until probably late November, which just sounds SOOO far away. Hopefully those dates will come sooner than later, and in the interim, I'll just keep waiting!!!
I know it's so hard waiting. But trust in this system and your little princess will be here soon. And remember today is the last October 6th you will spend without her. Thinking of you everyday. And I'm always here for you.
Thanks Kristin - I hadn't thought about it that way before, but you're right! :)
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