
Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cute and funny moments

I'm sure all moms think their kids are the cutest, funniest, coolest kids on the planet. I'm certainly no exception. I marvel every day at what RP has accomplished, the funny things she says/does, or where her imagination takes here. Here are some of our highlights from the last week:

* About a week ago RP's Nana was in the hospital and told us, while we were visiting, that she was hungry for cake. RP and I had to run to the grocery store anyway, so we picked up a little mini decorated cake, which RP got to pick out all by herself. She was so excited about picking out the cake that I couldn't understand what she was saying over and over and over until she started singing "Happy Birthday" at the top of her lungs... in the middle of the store. Apparently RP is under the impression that the only time it is appropriate to have cake is if it is someones birthday. This was further cemented when we walked into Nana's room with the cake and RP wouldn't let anyone eat it until we sang "Happy Birthday" to Nana (yes, even though it wasn't her birthday) and in lieu of real candles, RP was kind enough to pretend to blow out the non-existent candles on the cake for Nana. I certainly hope she is this accommodating when it really IS her birthday!

* RP insisted the other night that we have tacos for dinner. Since I did not have anything for tacos taken out, I promised her that we would stop for tacos the next day for lunch. True to my word, we went to a local Mexican restaurant the next day for lunch where my little RP inhaled not only 3/4 of her own taco (which is really a good percentage for her!), but also all of her refried beans (yeah, don't ask me about the diaper after THAT one - ewww....), all of her Spanish rice, and part of MY rice and beans along with a handful of chips. While drinking down some of her pink lemonade after that massive lunch RP discovered, purely by chance, how to blow bubbles in her beverage. The squeals of delight at that discovery, and the 20 minutes we sat there so she could "test out" her new discovery were truly priceless.

* In the car today "We Will Rock You" came on the radio. This is not the first time RP has heard it, but for the first time she clapped and tried to sing along. After the song was over she proceeded to tell me that Superman sang that song only when he was happy, so it must be a good day for him today. Huh? I have no idea what she was talking about either, but it was damned funny to hear her go on and on and on about it!

* After moving RP from her crib to a toddler bed in September I was still afraid that she would get up and wander at night, so I kept the baby gate in her doorway as a precaution. This week we are experimenting with NO baby gate, and so far she has been doing pretty well. Getting her to sleep at night is a bit of a struggle, as she now enjoys coming to the railings that overlook the family room and yell down to me, ask questions, or simply blow me kisses. Tonight she was railing on and on about something and since I was trying to actually get some of our stuff packed in the suitcase I was only half listening until she grabbed me by the hand, pulled me over to the gate which was propped up in the hallway, and yelled, "NO GATE MAMA, NO GATE TONIGHT" at me while tapping her little hands on the gate and looking at me like I was an idiot. I certainly learned my lesson about listening when she is talking!

I could go on and on, as there are certainly others but I'm running out of examples at the moment, and you get the idea. While there are days that she wears me out between the questions and the sporadic, out-of-the-blue tantrums, these are the types of moments that I will remember and cherish forever - and I look forward to each new day and new exploration with my little RP!

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