
Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Friday, January 21, 2011

New Year, new look...

For the blog, not for me that is (well, at least for right now!)

I've been trying for a while now to update the look of the blog and finally took the time tonight to do it. This was my "reward" to myself for getting RP to bed at a decent hour AND spending two hours job hunting (ugh - at this point I'm ready to take just about anything... and it's only been two weeks!). I'm not real happy with how the new header turned out as I think it looks grainy and fuzzy, but since I've been at it for over an hour I'm throwing in the towel and saying it will have to do for now (although any comments/suggestions are always welcome!)!

Now on to that pesky New Year's resolution to finally lose my "baby weight" and get that new look for myself! 65 days until we go to Disney... so I'd better get on it, and FAST!

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