
Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Friday, August 6, 2010

Testing new template

There isn't much new going on here, but I discovered the hard way that "The Cutest Blog on the Blog" or whomever I used to create my old template for this blog removed the background which gave users a lovely "this image cannot be displayed" error throughout my entire blog as you scrolled. Yuck! I'm not thrilled with the new look, but at least that error message is gone, and I now have a bit of motivation to update the look and feel here!

RP is doing well - getting bigger and bigger everyday! Her giggle is infectious and I love hearing it, especially in the morning! This morning she could barely keep her eyes open while I got her dressed for school, but once she realized she was wearing shoes she perked up and immediately was ready for the day (what can I say, the child LOVES shoes!), so much so that she practiced jumping off the step in the kitchen into the family room about 15 times this morning, giggling louder and louder with each jump. It was all the motivation I needed to get through the day, and I can't wait to pick her up tonight for two solid days of RP and Mommy bonding time!

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