
Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A little bit of bragging...

Honestly, I'm not a bragging kinda mom - in fact, I am probably harder on my 2-year old than anyone else. I discipline her for not listening, throwing her toys or ripping something that shouldn't have been ripped (we've already fixed the pages of several books due to an "oops" rip that escalated into something larger when she realized that ripping paper was fun!), and for not sharing with others. While RP can't yet count, she recognizes the old "1....2....don't make me get to 3...." routine which is probably why her favorite number is 2 - I rarely get past two before she comes running to do whatever it is she is supposed to do. That being said, she has spent countless time in "The Naughty Corner" because she simply enjoyed "Time Out" a little too much to be effective, and she understands what punishment is and hopefully what is expected of her moving forward. (Yep, we DO get past two in the counting game... and with a certain level of frequency!)

Over the last several weeks I have received no less than THREE notes home from "school" because RP was not behaving appropriately in class. The first time she SAT on another child because she wanted the toy he was playing with, the second and third time she was spitting at other kids and trying to hit them because she wasn't getting her way. Then, there have been reports that she has become so angry/frustrated that she attempts to bite herself in an effort to alleviate this frustration. {This is a hold-over from orphanage behavior - she did this on our first and second visits to the orphanage and several times when we first came home. Now it happens much less frequently, but alas, is still happening when she is overly tired, overly-stimulated, and/or overly-frustrated.}

Now, you may be asking yourself, "Um... so THIS is what you are bragging about?" Nope. Not quite. Yesterday I went to pick RP up from school and saw the dreaded "See Comments Below" note at the top of her daily progress report which typically signifies that there has been a behavior problem that day. Lo and behold the notes at the bottom of the page were something along the lines of, "RP had a FANTASTIC day today! She kept her hands to herself, played nicely with everyone in class, and was a BIG helper to her teacher!" I was beaming - I really was. THEN.... I went to pick her up from the pre-school room where the teacher in the room reiterated how well-behaved she was in school that day and that she is always one of the only kids who picks up after herself and often helps the teachers pick up toys and art projects the other kids have left out and abandoned.

My heart was very happy, and still is. I know it's only one day, but I feel that we are truly making progress and hopefully this trend will continue. To anyone else I'm sure this sounds like just what should be expected of any child, and I wholeheartedly agree - and I'm just happy that the efforts both she and I have been putting in to this are beginning to show! Now, if she can only keep it up! :)

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