Monday, August 29, 2011
A LOT of new updates!
August has been a very busy month for RP and I. She finished up her first session of gymnastics and is already heading into week two of her second session. We went on an overnight trip to Key Lime Cove (an indoor water park/hotel outside of Chicago) with Nana and Papa and had a BLAST! We've had play dates with old and new friends alike, played at the park, and make friends with Nana's new baby kitten "Mick." While the weather didn't always cooperate, we had a fantastic summer, and one I won't soon forget.
RP has now officially been home for over 18 months. Other than a slight cold, and what appears to be a minor allergy to strawberries, she is completely healthy and over-the-top giddy/silly/happy. Her laugh fills the room, and her smile is infectious. When she gets mad, she gets REALLY mad, as was evidenced by a recent trip to Target which ended in her screaming bloody murder all through the store because she didn't end up getting a toy that she wanted (apparently one that she REALLY REALLY wanted). She is everything I could have dreamed in a daughter... and more.
I'm sure I missed a bunch of stuff, and I KNOW there were a lot of funny stories that I meant to write, but never got around to. I'll try to go back and fill those in over the next week or so, and promise to work on keeping this more up-to-date moving forward!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Almost 18 months home!
This was taken on August 27, 2010 - RP had been home exactly six months and while we had found a comfortable routine, in hindsight I can say that we were still in a transitional state. RP was still getting comfortable, developing language skills, and learning to trust and love. You can see in the picture how serious she still looks, how apprehensive she still is. After 22 months in an orphanage she learned to be guarded and expect that the people around you wouldn't stick around forever, and I'm sure she expected nothing less here. The last 18 months certainly haven't been easy, but they have been worth every sacrifice, tear, and frustration, and I can say with absolute honesty that the joys have definitely outweighed any rough patches we hit.
Monday, August 1, 2011
So much for sympathy!
When we got outside, I asked RP why Mommy didn't get a sucker after getting her shot. I was kidding of course, but RP looked at me very seriously and replied, "Because you weren't a good girl Mommy." I laughed out loud and asked WHY I wasn't a good girl in there, to which she replied, "You need to use your listening ears Mommy. Lissss-tennnn..."
While at least I now know that she HEARS everything I say to her, it would be nice if she would implement some of her own "advice" every once in a while! That being said, I'm off to find a little Dum-Dum sucker downstairs - I think I've earned it today!!!